Dementia care for Indigenous Communities in Canada

McMaster University | Main Campus | L.R. Wilson Hall | Room 1003 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Kristen Jacklin, University of Minnesota Medical School; Exploring appropriate approaches to dementia care for Indigenous communities in Canada   

Driving & Dementia

Royal Botanical Gardens 680 PLAINS ROAD W. BURLINGTON, Burlington, On, Canada

Dr. Vrkljan was the lead investigator of the McMaster-Candrive team, a Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)-funded initiative, which tracked over 1000 [...]


Artful Moments with Dementia

Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street West, Hamilton, On, Canada

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is proud to have partnered with St. Peter’s Hospital and Foundation for Artful Moments, a unique program [...]

$50 – $60

Artful Moments with Dementia

Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street West, Hamilton, On, Canada

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is proud to have partnered with St. Peter’s Hospital and Foundation for Artful Moments, a unique program [...]

$50 – $60

Artful Moments with Dementia

Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street West, Hamilton, On, Canada

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is proud to have partnered with St. Peter’s Hospital and Foundation for Artful Moments, a unique program [...]

$50 – $60

Artful Moments with Dementia

Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street West, Hamilton, On, Canada

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is proud to have partnered with St. Peter’s Hospital and Foundation for Artful Moments, a unique program [...]

$50 – $60

HPO Musical Moments

FirstOntario Concert Hall, Stage Door 10 MacNab Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra is offering a specially designed program to make orchestral music more accessible for people living with dementia. This program invites participants living with early-stage dementia to a 45-minute portion of an HPO rehearsal featuring Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade followed by a discussion about the composer and music at FirstOntario Concert Hall.

HPO Musical Moments

FirstOntario Concert Hall, Stage Door 10 MacNab Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra is offering a specially designed program to make orchestral music more accessible for people living with dementia. This program invites participants living with early-stage dementia to a 45-minute portion of an HPO rehearsal featuring Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade followed by a discussion about the composer and music at FirstOntario Concert Hall.